| 1. | Research of inversion of control pattern and its applications 控制反转模式及其应用 |
| 2. | Ioc inversion of control is a key strategy for reducing coupling Ioc (控制反转)是减少耦合度的主要策略。 |
| 3. | Inversion of control containers and the dependency injection pattern Martin fowler撰写的关于依赖注入的文章 |
| 4. | Inversion of control , also called 控制反转,也称为 |
| 5. | The easiest way to understand inversion of control is to see it in action 理解控制反转最简单的方式就是看它的实际应用。 |
| 6. | Read mike spille s excellent comparison of these three containers in inversion of control containers 一文中,阅读mike spille对这三个容器所做的比较。 |
| 7. | For more information on the inversion of control pattern and dependency injection in general , see the 关于inversion of control模式和依赖性注入的更多一般性信息,请参阅 |
| 8. | This is an example of using the inversion of control pattern for configuration and is a natural fit with aspects 这是一个使用反转控制( ioc )模式进行配置的示例,因此很自然地适合方面。 |
| 9. | Of this series , i introduced the seven modules of the spring framework , including spring aop and the inversion of control container ,我介绍了spring框架的7个模组,包括spring aop和控制反转ioc容器。 |
| 10. | Spring framework popular application framework for constructing applications from lightweight inversion of control components 流行的应用程序框架,用于从轻量级inversion of control ( ioc )组件构建应用程序 |